The great test of your effectiveness as a teacher

As teachers we regularly test our students, no matter what age they are. But when was the last time someone tested you? Will you accept the challenge? Please come to my webinar and let me test you (in a light-hearted way, do not worry, no fails predicted ;)) on your effectiveness as a teacher. How much do you actually know about the aspects of teaching which help your students learn faster and more productively?This test will be fun, I promise!



We invite you to take a look at our brand new teacher training course!  “EFFECTIVE TEACHING. How to teach so that your students remember?”

Understand how the methods you use during your lessons impact how much your students remember! Good teachers the importance of creating a brain friendly classroom. Improve your teaching strategies and skills! In 20 online lessons Luiza will take you through in ins and outs of how human memory works, the rules of effective teaching and methods your students need to know in order to be super fast learners.

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