Teacher wellbeing in the online education

The new reality we all need to function in has resulted for most of us in increased screen time, new (not so positive at times) habits, growing isolation, and poor psychological balance. Don’t you have a feeling that all you do is teach or prepare to work right now and that there is never a stop to our screen time?

What I have been trying to do since March 2020 (seeing that the „new normal” means that all I do is work) was to introduce rules and techniques which were to help me have a bit of a private, „no-work” time, which with two kids at home had not been easy even in the Before Covid Times. Now a year after I can see that there really are ways to work / teach / plan / prepare a bit better and more effectively online.

So let us take a look at how I try to plan and execute my day so that (promise) from time to time I have a feeling that things are under my true control.


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